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. 2022 Aug 25;13:952503. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.952503


Cronbach’s alpha, composite reliability, and convergent validity of teacher professional success.

Teacher professional success Convergent validity reliability

Outer loading t-values AVE Composite reliability Cronbach’s α

Indicators >0.708 >2.57 >0.5 >0.7 > 0.7
Teaching accountability (RLOC) TeachAcctbility_01 0.751 28.456 0.515 0.92 0.904
TeachAcctbility_02 0.81 14.47
TeachAcctbility_03 0.858 17.705
TeachAcctbility_04 0.814 36.27
TeachAcctbility_05 0.853 10.111
TeachAcctbility_06 0.766 26.933
TeachAcctbility_07 0.771 35.653
TeachAcctbility_08 0.891 19.461
TeachAcctbility_09 0.749 25.847
TeachAcctbility_10 0.788 36.665
TeachAcctbility_11 0.897 18.728
Teaching booster (RLOC) TeachBooster_01 0.789 32.321 0.626 0.869 0.799
TeachBooster_02 0.892 18.456
TeachBooster_03 0.29 43.52
TeachBooster_04 0.846 49.107
Learning booster (RLOC) LearnBooster_01 0.872 19.954 0.53 0.909 0.879
LearnBooster_02 0.714 21.476
LearnBooster_03 0.767 31.404
LearnBooster_04 0.818 16.337
LearnBooster_05 0.822 8.296
LearnBooster_06 0.829 38.294
LearnBooster_07 0.801 35.417
LearnBooster_08 0.834 37.027
LearnBooster_09 0.842 47.777
LearnBooster_10 0.8 37.911
Interpersonal relationships (RLOC) InterRelat_01 0.742 22.436 0.567 0.901 0.871
InterRelat_02 0.845 15.523
InterRelat_03 0.75 25.814
InterRelat_04 0.87 17.571
InterRelat_05 0.826 43.133
InterRelat_06 0.816 22.704
InterRelat_07 0.8 33.987
Physical and emotional acceptance (RLOC) PhyEmAcc_01 0.873 60.828 0.601 0.745 0.723
PhyEmAcc_02 0.868 59.89
Availability (RLOC) Avlbility_01 0.912 83.602 0.746 0.854 0.802
Avlbility_02 0.814 27.298
Attention to All (RLOC) AttntoAll_01 0.902 46.277 0.758 0.932 0.823
AttntoAll_02 0.823 9.808
Familiarity with foreign language and culture (RLOC) Fmilirity_01 0.874 62.807 0.722 0.954 0.45
Fmilirity_02 0.84 34.816
Fmilirity_03 0.863 47.812
Fmilirity_04 0.833 34.589
Fmilirity_05 0.867 54.208
Fmilirity_06 0.838 40.039
Fmilirity_07 0.875 53.05
Fmilirity_08 0.803 34.355