Differentiation of grafted hiPSC-derived NPCs after SCI. At 2 months after transplantation, 29% of grafted hiPSC-NPCs differentiated into mature NeuN+ neurons in the injured epicenter, where the host neurons were lost (A). In high magnification (B–E), NeuN+ neurons in the injured areas also expressed GFP and human nuclei (hN), indicating these neurons are derived from grafted hiPSC-NPCs. 67% of grafted NPCs differentiated into GFAP+ astrocytes in the injured spinal cord at 2 months after transplantation (F–J). Different from the host hypertrophic reactive astrocytes in the scar border (I,J, arrows, white lines indicate the edge of glial scar), the graft-derived astrocytes had stellate morphology with small cell bodies and relatively longer processes. The host axons integrated well with the grafted NPCs and extended into the graft (K–M). Scale bars: (A,F), 500 µm; (B–E,G–J,K–M), 50 µm.