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. 2022 Aug 25;13:945709. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.945709


Descriptive characteristics of the matched DELCODE sample (n = 140).

Musical activity No musical activity P-value
Number (n) 70 70
Age (years) 68.23 (6.62) 69.01 (5.44) 0.445
Gender female/male (n) 31/39 35/35 0.498
Education (years) 16.20 (2.71) 15.96 (2.74) 0.598
Diagnostic category OA/FH/SCD (n) 19/7/44 24/6/40 0.654
SESa 66.27 (16.32) 65.21 (16.04) 0.699
Crystalized intelligenceb 33.31 (2.14) 33.04 (2.22) 0.463
Physical activity, long-termc 4.25 (0.78) 4.32 (0.71) 0.611
Physical activity, currentd 33.86 (11.80), n = 66 32.45 (12.85), n = 69 0.507
Total frontal GMV (ml) 138.86 (12.44) 134.69 (11.88) 0.044*
Total temporal GMV (ml) 95.53 (8.44) 93.29 (8.3) 0.115
Total hippocampal GMV (ml) 6.26 (0.71) 6.21 (0.66) 0.692
Total cortical GMV (ml) 453.83 (37.56) 441.69 (37.13) 0.049*

Descriptive data are given if applicable as mean and standard deviation (in parenthesis). The actual sample size is provided, if different from sample size specified in first row. P-values correspond to independent t-tests for unequal variance with participant group as independent variable. Chi-square statistic was used to compare the distribution of categorical variables. *p < 0.05. OA, older adults; FH, participants with a family history of AD; GMV, gray matter volume; SCD, participants with subjective cognitive decline; SES, socioeconomic status.

aInternational socio-economic index (ISEI); bMultiple-Choice Vocabulary Intelligence Test (MWT); cLifetime of Experiences Questionnaire (LEQ); dPhysical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE).

PASE: The total score was calculated based on frequency, duration, and intensity of leisure, household and occupational activities. Higher scores correspond to greater levels of physical activity.

LEQ: The mean frequency of physical activity over available life periods was measured using a 6-point Likert scale (0 = ‘never,’ 1 = ‘less than 1 time per month,’ 2 = ‘1 time per month,’ 3 = ‘2 times per month,’ 4 = ‘weekly,’ 5 = ‘daily’). Higher scores correspond to greater frequencies of physical activity.