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. 2022 Aug 30;23(17):9862. doi: 10.3390/ijms23179862

Table 1.

Summarization for the refinement in PE.

Designation of
PE Systems
Components of PE Efficiency
Cas9 Nickcase Reverse Transcriptase pegRNA
PE1 Cas9(H840A) nickase M-MLV RT the original pegRNA 0.2–17%
PE3 + a sgRNA for nicking the non-edited strand 3-fold compared to PE2
ePE fusing
+ a sgRNA
& fusing a Csy4 recognition site into the 3′ end
1.9-fold *
unnamed Cas9(H840A) nickase epegRNA: incorporating evopreQ1 3–4-fold *
aPE apegRNA: inserting a C/G pair or changing each non-C/G pair to a C/G pair 2.77-fold in indel-editing *
sPE spegRNA: introducing same-sense mutations 353-fold in base-editing *
x rPE xr-pegRNA: appending a viral exoribonuclease-resistant RNA motif 3.1-fold in base conversion *
G-PE incorporating a hTR
similar to using epegRNA
PE4/PE5 same as PE2 but transient expressing MLH1d epegRNA 7.7-fold compared to PE2/
2.0-fold *
PE4max/PE5max based on PE4/PE5, using a human codon-optimized RT/adding a linker higher than PE2/PE3
unnamed based on PPE (similar to PE2) PBS with a melting temperature of 30℃ and
using dual pegRNAs
at least 2.9-fold
compared to PPE
ePPE based on PPE but removing RT’s RNase H domain and incorporating a viral nucleocapsid protein the original pegRNA 5.8-fold compared to PPE

+: adding to PE1; *: compared to PE3.