Figure 1.
Cell killing activity of OAV XVir-N-31 and XVir-N-31-anti-PD-L1. (a) LN-229 or U87MG cells were infected with 50 MOI of Ad-WT, XVir-N-31, XVir-N-31-anti-PD-L1, or were left untreated (control). Pictures were taken 48 h later. Dead or dying cells could be identified by their rounded shape. (b) LN-229 or U87MG cells were infected with increasing MOI of the indicated viruses. OAV mediated cell killing was measured 48 h after infection using the MTT assay (XVir-PD-L1: XVir-N-31-anti-PD-L1; n = 3; SEM; n.s.: not significant; * p < 0.05, ** p < 0.01, *** p < 0.001).