Histology of ocular anterior segment from old (two-year-old) myoc transgenic zebrafish. Hematoxylin-eosin-stained tissue sections of transgenic zebrafish with (A,B,F,G) bilateral or (C,D,H,I) unilateral macroscopic ocular alterations. (E,J) Control tissue sections from wild-type zebrafish of the same age and sex. Head tissue sections in the inserts indicate the localization of the images shown in the different panels. Scale bars: 50 µm. The images are representative of two individuals of each genotype. AL: annular ligament; CEN: corneal endothelium; CEP: corneal epithelium; CST: corneal stroma; R: retina; IPC: iris pigment cells; L: lens; LC: lens capsule; LE: left eye; OA: ocular alterations; RE: right eye; ZF: zonular fiber; black arrowhead: close contact between the hypertrophic annular ligament and iris; blue arrow: collagen cords; blue arrowheads: cavities in the CST; green arrowhead: keratocytes; yellow arrows: limbal melanocytes; yellow arrowheads: cavities between IPC and AL; yellow asterisk: increased RPE cells; Tg/+: transgenic; +/+: wild type.