Fig. 2.
Panx1 activation in response to thapsigargin treatment is STIM dependent. (A) Representative whole-cell recordings from HEK 293T cells transfected with empty vector, Panx1 alone (+Panx1), or +Panx1+STIM2. Tg-stimulated currents (3 µM), recorded from cells coexpressing Panx1 and STIM2, were inhibited upon application of La3+ (100 µM). (B) Summary of peak currents recorded from empty vector (n = 14), +STIM1 (n = 10), +STIM2 (n = 12), +Panx1 (n = 21), Panx1+STIM1 (n = 17), and Panx1+STIM2 (n = 17), where Tg was applied in solutions containing Ca2+ (+Tg). Additionally, currents from Panx1+STIM2 (n = 9) were recorded with thapsigargin applied in solutions devoid of extracellular Ca2+ (+Tg/0 Ca2+). Data are represented as mean ± SEM ****P < 0.0001 and **P < 0.01, one-way ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni test when compared with empty vector or +Panx1. ns, not significant. (C) IV curves (Left) and current reversal potential (Right), averaged from a series of recordings, before (baseline) and after application of thapsigargin (3 µM). ****P < 0.0001, paired t test (n = 16).