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. 2022 Aug 29;119(36):e2202395119. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2202395119

Table 1.

Summary of symbol definitions and units

Symbol Units Description Symbol Units Description
β Angstroms−1 Tunneling constant Csc Farads
Differential capacitance of the space-charge layer in the semiconductor
b γsurf/γsc Css Farads centimeter-2 Differential capacitance of surface states
d Centimeters Length of the tether Csurf Farads centimeter-2 Differential capacitance of the surface layer
ε 0 Farads centimeter−1 Permittivity of free space Celec Farads centimeter-2 Differential capacitance of the electrolyte
εsc,b Relative dielectric constant of the bulk semiconductor Cf Farads centimeter-2 Differential capacitance of the faradaic reaction
εsc,scl Relative dielectric constant at the edge of the semiconductor space-charge layer Eapp Volts Applied potential relative to the flat-band potential
εsurf Relative dielectric constant of the surface layer Ecb Volts Conduction-band potential for the corresponding value of Eapp
εelec Relative dielectric constant of the electrolyte Ecb,fb Volts Conduction-band potential when Eapp = Efb
ϕsc,b Volts Electrostatic potential in the bulk of the semiconductor Efb Volts Flat-band potential ≡ 0
ϕsc,s Volts Electrostatic potential at the surface of the semiconductor E 0 fb Volts Standard potential of redox adsorbate when Eapp = Efb
ϕPET Volts Electrostatic potential at the plane of electron transfer Fs Potential-dependent probability function for the integrated charge across the space-charge layer in the semiconductor
ϕsol Volts Electrostatic potential at the edge of the diffuse layer in solution fs Potential-dependent probability function for the integrated charge held in surface states
Γlower(x,y) Lower incomplete Γ function with arguments x and y j Amps centimeter−2 Total measured current density
Γupper(x,y) Upper incomplete Γ function with arguments x and y jf Amps centimeter−2 Faradaic current density
κ Centimeters−1 Reciprocal thickness of the double layer jc Amps centimeter−2 Charging current density
σsc,s Coulombs centimeter−2 Charge density at the surface of the semiconductor kf Seconds−1 Forward charge-transfer rate constant
σsc,b Coulombs centimeter−2 Charge density in the semiconductor bulk kb Seconds−1 Back charge-transfer rate constant
σPET Coulombs centimeter−2 Charge density at the plane of electron transfer ket Centimeters4 second−1 Electron transfer rate constant from the conduction band
σelec Coulombs centimeter−2 Charge density in the electrolyte k 0 Seconds−1 Heterogeneous rate constant when Eapp = E0
σscl Coulombs centimeter−2 Charge density stored in the semiconductor space-charge layer kss Centimeters3 second−1 Rate constant for filling/emptying surface states
σss Coulombs centimeter−2 Charge density stored in surface states m Normalized experimental timescale, m=k0kBTqvγsc
χA Fraction of oxidized adsorbed redox species Nd Centimeters−3 No. of dopants per unit volume
χA- Fraction of reduced adsorbed redox species nelec Molecules centimeters−3 Concentration of supporting electrolyte
γsc Fraction of the time-dependent applied potential dropped across the space-charge layer of the semiconductor ns, 0 Centimeters−3 Majority carrier concentration when Eapp = E0
γsurf Fraction of the time-dependent applied potential dropped across the surface layer Nss Centimeters−2 Density of surface states per unit area
γelec Fraction of the time-dependent applied potential dropped across the electrolyte layer u Normalized applied potential that directly moves the Fermi level
[A]s,0 Molecules centimeter−2 Total surface concentration of redox species v Volts second−1 Scan rate (+ and − on cathodic and anodic sweeps, respectively)
q Coulombs Unsigned charge of an electron wEapp Centimeters Potential-dependent width of semiconductor space-charge layer
kB Joules Kelvin−1 Boltzmann's constant zA Oxidation state of oxidized form of redox species
T Kelvin Temperature zA- Oxidation state of reduced form of redox species
CT Farads
Total measured capacitance of the semiconductor electrode z Type of electrolyte (=1 for a 1:1 electrolyte)
Z eqγdiffkBT(E0Efb)