Fig. 6.
USP13 level correlates with ZHX2 expression in ccRCC tumor tissues. (A and B) Representative USP13 IHC staining pictures (A) and quantification of relative USP13 signal intensity (H-SCORE) of tumor and paired normal tissues (B) from a 153-pair ccRCC cohort. Bar, 100 μm. (C and D) Representative IHC staining images (C) and correlation analysis (D) of ccRCC TMAs with two staining grades (H, high; L, low) showing the expression correlation between UPS13 and ZHX2 protein. H-SCORE was used for indicating the immunostaining intensity of the sample. According to the distribution of the H-SCORE, we used the median method to group the 153-pairs ccRCC cohort. Then we used the χ2 test to analyze the correlation between the two proteins (D) Bar, 100 μm. (E) Immunoblots of lysates from paired normal and kidney tumor tissues (two sets). VHL mutation status is as labeled. ND, not determined. Total input protein of tissues is shown by Ponceau S staining. (F and G) ZHX2 and USP13 messenger RNA levels between normal and paired ccRCC tumors (n = 41) from the gene expression database available through University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center SPORE (European Genome-Phenome Archive under the accession number EGAS00001005516) (35). (H) Correlation between ZHX2 and USP13 messenger RNA level in ccRCC tumors (n = 41) from the gene expression database available through University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center Kidney SPORE program (35).