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. 2022 Aug 26;13:905564. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.905564


Chi-square analysis of differences in influencing factors among different subtypes (n = 17,695).

IBS-C n = 2,608 IBS-D n = 4,448 IBS-M n = 10,436 IBS-U n = 203 p-value
Sex <0.001
 Female 2,246 (86.1%) 3,239 (72.8%) 7,912 (75.8%) 147 (72.4%)
 Male 362 (13.9%) 1,209 (27.2%) 2,524 (24.2%) 56 (27.6%)
Age (years) <0.001
 Mean (SD) 54.41 (7.858) 54.26 (7.766) 54.35 (7.788) 57.22 (7.483)
 Median (IQR) 55 (48, 61) 54 (48, 61) 55 (48, 61) 58 (52, 63)
Townsend Deprivation Score 0.009
 Mean (SD) −1.57 (2.902) −1.47 (2.944) −1.35 (3.063) −1.81 (2.704)
 Median (IQR) −2.33 (−3.76, 0.01) −2.26 (−3.71, 0.30) −2.18 (−3.67, 0.50) −2.45 (−3.85, −0.53)
 Missing data 4 (0.2%) 7 (0.2%) 17 (0.2%) 2 (1.0%)
Ever been offered/sought treatment for anxiety 0.003
 Yes 931 (35.7%) 1,628 (36.6%) 4,059 (38.9%) 74 (36.5%)
 No 1,667 (63.9%) 2,813 (63.2%) 6,326 (60.6%) 129 (63.5%)
 Missing data 10 (0.4%) 7 (0.2%) 51 (0.5%) 0 (0.0%)
Ever been offered/sought treatment for depression <0.001
 Yes 1,026 (39.3%) 1713 (38.5%) 4,421 (42.4%) 68 (33.5%)
 No 1,568 (60.1%) 2,721 (61.2%) 5,969 (57.2%) 133 (65.5%)
 Missing data 14 (0.5%) 14 (0.3%) 46 (0.4%) 2 (1.0%)
Family history of IBS <0.001
 Yes 686 (26.3%) 1,223 (27.5%) 3,048 (29.2%) 36 (17.7%)
 No 1,269 (48.7%) 2082 (46.8%) 4,397 (42.1%) 111 (54.7%)
 Missing data 653 (25.0%) 1,143 (25.7%) 2,991 (28.7%) 56 (27.6%)
Long-term/recurrent antibiotics as child or teenager <0.001
 Yes 587 (22.5%) 968 (21.8%) 2,562 (24.5%) 46 (22.7%)
 No 1,652 (63.3%) 2,902 (65.2%) 6,316 (60.5%) 133 (65.5%)
 Missing data 369 (14.1%) 578 (13.0%) 1,558 (14.9%) 24 (11.8%)
Diagnosed with coeliac disease or gluten sensitivity 0.959
 Yes 133 (5.1%) 222 (5.0%) 523 (5.0%) 12 (5.9%)
 No 2,408 (92.3%) 4,123 (92.7%) 9,630 (92.3%) 190 (93.6%)
 Missing data 67 (2.6%) 103 (2.3%) 283 (2.7%) 1 (0.5%)
PHQ-12 Score <0.001
 ≤6 928 (35.6%) 1,725 (38.8%) 3,012 (28.9%) 83 (40.9%)
 >6 1,573 (60.3%) 2,555 (57.4%) 6,933 (66.4%) 113 (55.7%)
 Missing data 107 (4.1%) 168 (3.8%) 491 (4.7%) 7 (3.4%)

Data were mean (SD) or n (%) unless noted otherwise. The distribution of age and the Townsend Deprivation Score is non-normal; therefore, the mean (SD) and median (P25 and P75) are used to describe. The p-value was calculated by the chi-square test and Wilcoxon’s rank-sum test where applicable. In this analysis, “Do not know,” “Prefer not to answer,” and “missing” were coded as missing data.