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. 2022 Aug 25;14(17):3504. doi: 10.3390/nu14173504

Table 1.

Demographic and socio-economic characteristics of the sampled households, overall and by gender.

(N = 914)
(N = 426)
(N = 488)
Mean SD Mean SD Mean SD
Age in years 32.0 12.0 34.0 13.0 31.0 11.0
N % N % N % p-value
Age Categories 18–24 364 39.7 146 34.3 218 44.4 0.002
>24 550 60.3 279 65.7 271 55.6
BMI Classification Underweight 33 3.6 6 1.4 27 5.5 <0.001
Normal 446 48.9 174 41.0 272 55.8
Overweight 284 30.9 163 38.2 120 24.6
Obese 151 16.6 83 19.4 69 14.1
Gender Male 426 46.6 426 100.0 0 0.0 -
Female 488 53.4 0 0.0 488 100.0
Residency Beirut 120 13.1 63 14.8 57 11.7 0.003
Mount Lebanon 125 13.6 71 16.7 54 11.0
South Lebanon 105 11.4 36 8.5 68 14.0
Beqaa 118 13.0 62 14.5 57 11.7
Baalbeck-Hermel 108 11.8 44 10.2 64 13.2
Akkar 107 11.7 38 9.0 68 14.0
Nabatieh 116 12.7 58 13.7 58 11.9
North Lebanon 115 12.6 54 12.6 61 12.5
Marital Status Single 467 51.2 198 46.6 269 55.2 0.002
Married 411 45.0 217 51.1 193 39.7
Divorced 17 1.8 6 1.2 11 2.3
Widowed 19 2.1 5 1.1 14 2.9
Education Level Illiterate 10 1.0 5 1.3 4 0.8 0.567
School level 224 24.5 110 25.9 114 23.4
University level 680 74.4 310 72.9 370 75.8
Current Occupation Working 369 40.4 217 50.9 152 31.2 <0.001
Not Working 238 26.1 94 22.1 144 29.6
Student 260 28.4 104 24.3 156 32.0
Other 47 5.2 11 2.7 36 7.3
Job Nature Medical sector 162 17.7 64 15.1 97 20.0 0.055
Non-Medical sector 752 82.3 361 84.9 390 80.0
Household Crowding Index No Crowding (≤1 person per room) 453 49.6% 214 50.2 239 49.0 0.917
Crowding (1–1.5 person per room) 201 22.0% 92 21.7 109 22.3
Over Crowding (>1.5 person per room) 260 28.4% 119 28.1 140 28.7
Number of children None 516 56.5 222 52.2 294 60.3 0.024
3 or less 298 32.7 147 34.7 151 30.9
More than three 100 10.8 57 13.2 43 8.8
Household Composition One adult 93 10.1 46 10.8 47 9.6 0.848
Multiple adults 416 45.6 193 45.3 224 45.8
One adult with at least one child 95 10.4 41 9.6 54 11.1
Multiple adults with at least one child 310 33.9 147 34.3 164 33.5
Age of Household Head <35 years 83 9.0 48 11.3 34 7.1 0.077
35–50 years 349 38.2 158 37.1 191 39.2
>50 years 482 52.7 220 51.6 262 53.7
Household head’s Education level Illiterate 60 6.5 18 4.3 41 8.4 <0.001
School level 549 60.1 228 53.5 321 65.9
University 305 33.4 180 42.2 125 25.6
Monthly Income None 64 7.0 31 7.2 33 6.8 0.002
Less than 1.5 million L.B.P. 160 17.5 60 14.2 99 20.4
≥1.5 million L.B.P. 382 41.8 165 38.7 217 44.5
≤300 USD 180 19.8 105 24.6 76 15.5
More than 300 USD 128 14.0 65 15.3 63 12.9
Income status compared to other households Less than most other Lebanese households 438 48 177 41.8 261 53.5 0.001
It is not different from the income of other Lebanese households 319 34.9 170 39.9 149 30.6
More than the income of other Lebanese households 157 17 80 18.4 77 16
Impact of Russia–Ukraine war on Monthly Income My salary does not change 566 62.0 270 63.5 296 60.7 0.009
My salary decreases 312 34 134 30.9 178 36.5
My salary increases 36 4.0 23 5.6 13 2.8
Average Monthly Expenditure for Food at Home Less than 675,000 LBP 35 3.7 14 3.0 21 4.3 0.03
675,000–1 million LBP 144 15.8 56 13.2 88 18.1
1 million–3 million LBP 353 38.7 159 37.3 194 39.9
More than 3 million LBP 382 41.8 198 46.5 184 37.7

Bold means significant at p-value < 0.05.