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. 2022 Aug 31;11(17):2272. doi: 10.3390/plants11172272

Table 1.

Means and standard deviation (within brackets) of the different baobab’s constituents across the four Namibe municipalities and collected samples, and results from the pairwise tests on the equality of means of the constituents across the four municipalities (Equation (2)—Tukey, Dunnet-Tukey-Kramer and Dunn tests) for the constituents for which the existence of at least one pairwise significant difference was detected (Equation (1)—F-ANOVA, F-Welch-ANOVA and Kruskal–Wallis tests).

Component/Municipality BCI CNI MC VSI
Moisture (%) 12.50 (0.76) b 13.20 (0.32) ab 13.81 (0.37) a 12.91 (0.36) ab
Ash (%) 4.75 (0.23) 5.01 (0.27) 4.71 (0.09) 5.18 (0.63)
Protein (%) 2.24 (0.04) 2.10 (0.18) 2.27 (0.03) 2.42 (0.20)
TDF (%) 52.17 (2.86) a 56.62 (1.84) a 51.38 (1.80) a 54.21 (4.88) a
HC (%) 28.1 (2.5) 22.9 (1.7) 27.6 (1.8) 25.1 (5.3)
Energy (kJ/100 g) 1 262 (21) a 1 208 (15) b 1 249 (16) ab 1 230 (48) ab
Ca (ppm) 3 797 (862) 3 696 (425) 2 937 (352) 3 409 (1 019)
K (ppm) 37 528 (3 642) 41 834 (3 780) 40 973 (3 400) 42 368 (4 520)
P (ppm) 10 805 (768) 10 010 (766) 9 279 (1 791) 11 355 (140)
Cl (ppm) 36 081 (2 858) 33 999 (2 376) 31 997 (5 284) 38 273 (629)
S (ppm) 1 960 (176) a b 1 864 (165) ab 1 675 (324) b 2 164 (180) a
(mg GAE/100 g)
972.2 (427.2) a 758.4 (168.6) ab 460.5 (88.7) b 872.8 (602.8) ab
(mmol TE/100 g)
1 834 (1 360) a 1 406 (338) a 536.9 (161.3) b 1 936 (1 599) ab
Vitamin C (mg/100 g) 284.6 (38.4) a 288.9 (130.2) ab 163.8 (12.8) b 251.6 (116.7) ab

Significant differences are marked with different letters in each line. The same letter means no differences in means were detected. Detailed results from these tests and the preceeding normality and variance homegeity tests can be found in the Supplementary Materials.