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. 2022 Sep 8;27(36):2200620. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2022.27.36.2200620

Table 1. Demographic, clinical characteristics and disease-severity of confirmed and probable monkeypox cases, 36 WHO European Region countries, 7 March–23 August 2022, (n = 20,690 cases).

Variables Overall cases Hospitalised Not hospitalised Unknown Hospitalisation ratio
(per 1,000 cases)
p value
n % n % n % n %
Total cases 20,690 100 197 100 10,601 100 9,892 100 10
Age group (years) 0–17 41 0.2 2 1.0 25 0.2 14 0.1 49 0.015
18–30 5,078 24.5 57 28.9 2,504 23.6 2,517 25.4 11
31–40 8,231 39.8 87 44.2 4,202 39.6 3,942 39.9 11
41–50 4,970 24.0 40 20.3 2,695 25.4 2,235 22.6 8
51–60 1,882 9.1 9 4.6 947 8.9 926 9.4 5
> 60 442 2.1 2 1.0 209 2.0 231 2.3 5
Unknown 46 0.2 0 0.0 19 0.2 27 0.3 0
Gendera Female 212 1 4 2 137 1.3 71 0.7 19 0.404
Male 17,685 85.5 193 98 10,457 98.6 7,035 71.1 11
Other 16 0.1 0 0 6 0.1 10 0.1 0
Unknown 2,777 13.4 0 0 1 0.0 2,776 28.1 0
Prior smallpox vaccination Vaccinated 528 2.6 12 6.1 495 4.7 21 0.2 23 0.334
Not vaccinated 2,974 14.4 94 47.7 2,758 26.0 122 1.2 32
Unknown 17,188 83.1 91 46.2 7,348 69.3 9,749 98.6 5
Smallpox vaccination for current event PEPV 42 0.2 0 0 40 0.4 2 0 0 0.461
PPV 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0
PEPV/PPV 4 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0
Not vaccinated 3,017 14.6 101 51.3 2,798 26.4 118 1.2 33
Unknown 17,626 85.2 96 48.7 7,760 73.2 9,770 98.8 5
HIV status Positive 3,070 14.8 37 18.8 2,697 25.4 336 3.4 12 0.441
Negative 5,187 25.1 52 26.4 4,536 42.8 599 6.1 10
Unknown 12,433 60.1 108 54.8 3,368 31.8 8,957 90.5 9
STI Yes 93 0.4 8 4.1 81 0.8 4 0 86 0.67
No 625 3 44 22.3 537 5.1 44 0.4 70
Unknown 19,972 96.5 145 73.6 9,983 94.2 9,844 99.5 7
Sexual orientation MSM 8,777 42.4 84 42.6 6,677 63 2,016 20.4 10 Not calculated
Bisexual 93 0.4 4 2 80 0.8 9 0.1 43
Heterosexual 276 1.3 9 4.6 242 2.3 25 0.3 33
Unknown 11,544 55.8 100 50.7 3,602 34.0 7,842 79.2 13
Health worker Yes 64 0.3 0 0 56 0.5 8 0.1 0 0.64
No 3,645 17.6 80 40.6 3,334 31.4 231 2.3 22
Unknown 16,981 82.1 117 59.4 7,211 68 9,653 97.6 7
Rash Not reported 657 3.2 4 2.0 424 4.6 229 2.0 6 0.085
Reported 12,415 60.0 187 94.9 8,367 90.1 3,861 34.4 15
Unknown/no data on symptoms 7,618 36.8 6 3.0 494 5.3 7,118 63.5 1
Lymphadenopathy Not reported 7,837 37.9 91 46.2 5,118 55.1 2,628 23.4 12 0.005
Reported 5,235 25.3 100 50.8 3,673 39.6 1,462 13.0 19
Unknown/no data on symptoms 7,618 36.8 6 3.0 494 5.3 7,118 63.5 1
Systemic symptomsb Not reported 4,596 22.2 91 46.2 2,917 31.4 1,588 14.2 20 < 0.001
Reported 8,476 41.0 100 50.8 5,874 63.3 2,502 22.3 12
Unknown/no data on symptoms 7,618 36.8 6 3.0 494 5.3 7,118 63.5 1

MSM: men who have sex with men; PEPV: Post-exposure preventive vaccination; PPV: Primary preventive (pre-exposure) vaccination; STI: sexually transmitted infection.

a Gender collected in TESSy as female, male, other (e.g. transgender) or unknown.

b Fever, fatigue, muscle pain, chills and/or headache.

Based on case-based data reported in TESSy, hospitalisation ratios and p values were calculated for cases for whom hospitalisation status (i.e. not hospitalised, hospitalised for isolation purposes (n = 129 cases) or hospitalised for clinical management purposes (n = 197 cases)) was known. Cases whose hospitalisation status was reported as unknown or who were known to have been hospitalised, but purpose (isolation/clinical management) was unknown (n = 254) were not included in the analyses. ‘Hospitalisation’ is defined as hospitalisation for clinical care (n = 197 cases). Hospitalisation for known isolation (n = 129 cases) is included as ‘Not hospitalised’. P values were calculated by Fisher’s exact test. For each tabulation of hospitalisation (yes/no) by another variable, when one of the cells was equal to 0, 0.5 was added to all cells of the table in order to be able to conduct the statistical test.

All variables excluding vaccination are up to 23 August 2022. Smallpox vaccination variables combine data from 10 August 2022 and 23 August 2022 for completeness.