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. 2022 Sep 9;27(8):3005–3016. doi: 10.1007/s40519-022-01473-9

Table 4.

Ten top-cited articles (TC = total citations) in the triennium 2018 – 2020 according to Scopus for the eating disorders and schizophrenia fields

Eating disorders Schizophrenia
Paper Journal rank TC TC per year Normalized TC Paper Journal rank TC TC per year Normalized TC
Huang Y, et al. Prevalence of mental disorders in China: a cross-sectional epidemiological study. Lancet Psychiatry. 2019 PMID: 30,792,114 3 344 114.7 38.1 Huang Y, et al. Prevalence of mental disorders in China: a cross-sectional epidemiological study. Lancet Psychiatry. 2019 PMID: 30,792,114 3 344 114.7 40.8
Plana-Ripoll O, et al. Exploring Comorbidity Within Mental Disorders Among a Danish National Population. JAMA Vinood PatelPsychiatry. 2019 PMID: 30,649,197; PMCID 4 126 41 13.6 Kelly S, et al. Widespread white matter microstructural differences in schizophrenia across 4322 individuals: results from the ENIGMA Schizophrenia DTI Working Group. Mol Psychiatry. 2018 PMID: 29,038,599 5 221 55.2 16.9
Lyssenko L, et al. A Meta-Analysis of Studies Using the Dissociative Experiences Scale. Am J Psychiatry. 2018 PMID: 28,946,763 6 103 25.7 8.3 Mcguire et al. Cannabidiol (CBD) as an Adjunctive Therapy in Schizophrenia: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial. Am J Psychiatry. 2018 PMID: 29,241,357 6 214 53.5 16.4
Fernández-Aranda F, et al. COVID-19 and implications for eating disorders. Eur Eat Disord Rev. 2020 PMID: 32,346,977 67 95 47.5 20.8 Di Forti M, et al. The contribution of cannabis use to variation in the incidence of psychotic disorder across Europe (EU-GEI): a multicenter case–control study. Lancet Psychiatry. 2019 PMID: 30,902,669 3 207 69 24.5
Cena H, et al. Definition and diagnostic criteria for orthorexia nervosa: a narrative review of the literature. Eat Weight Disord. 2019 PMID: 30,414,078 121 94 31.3 10.4 Charlson FJ, et al. Global Epidemiology and Burden of Schizophrenia: Findings From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016. Schizophr Bull. 2018 PMID: 29,762,765 13 202 50.5 15.5
Udo T, Grilo CM. Psychiatric and medical correlates of DSM-5 eating disorders in a nationally representative sample of adults in the United States. Int J Eat Disord. 2019 PMID: 30,756,422 57 83 27.7 9.2 Correll CU, et al. Comparison of early intervention services vs treatment as usual for early-phase psychosis: a systematic review, Meta-analysis, and meta-regression. JAMA Psychiatry. 2018 PMID: 29,800,949 4 200 50 15.4
India State-Level Disease Burden Initiative Mental Disorders Collaborators. The burden of mental disorders across the states of India: the Global Burden of Disease Study 1990–2017. Lancet Psychiatry. 2020 PMID: 31,879,245 3 78 39 17.1 Radua J, et al. What causes psychosis? An umbrella review of risk and protective factors. World Psychiatry. 2018 PMID: 29,352,556 1 184 46 14.1
Phillipou A, et al. Eating and exercise behaviors in eating disorders and the general population during the COVID-19 pandemic in Australia: Initial results from the COLLATE project. Int J Eat Disord. 2020 PMID: 32,476,163 57 78 39 17.1 Lai MC, et al. Prevalence of co-occurring mental health diagnoses in the autism population: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Lancet Psychiatry. 2019 PMID: 31,447,415 3 175 58.3 20.7
Thompson PM et al. ENIGMA Consortium. ENIGMA and global neuroscience: A decade of large-scale studies of the brain in health and disease across more than 40 countries. Transl Psychiatry. 2020 PMID: 32,198,361 23 78 39 17.1 Duncan LE et al. Largest GWAS of PTSD (N = 20 070) yields genetic overlap with schizophrenia and sex differences in heritability. Mol Psychiatry. 2018 PMID: 28,439,101 5 168 42 12.9
Brockmeyer T, et al. Advances in the treatment of anorexia nervosa: a review of established and emerging interventions. Psychol Med. 2018 PMID: 28,889,819 19 65 16.2 5.2 Rehm J, Shield KD. Global Burden of Disease and the Impact of Mental and Addictive Disorders. Curr Psychiatry Rep. 2019 PMID: 30,729,322 44 153 51 18.1