Figure 1. GENESPACE synteny and pan-genome annotation methods.
(A, grey panel) GENESPACE runs and parses OrthoFinder results into a synteny-constrained pan-genome annotation. (B, purple panel) Chromosome, gene rank order, and orthogroup membership are added to BLAST hits, which allows direct integration between estimates of orthology and synteny. The three dotplots present the efficacy of GENESPACE syntenic blocks by exploring a particularly challenging region on human (x-axis) and chimpanzee (y-axis) chr. 6. Each point is a BLAST hit rank-order position, colored by syntenic block; colors are recycled if there are more than eight blocks. (C, green panel) Synteny-constrained orthogroups and optionally non-syntenic orthologs are decomposed into a pan-genome annotation where each orthogroup is placed at its inferred syntenic position.