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. 2022 Sep 10;12:15284. doi: 10.1038/s41598-022-19515-8

Table 2.

Analysis of variance and Tukey’s test for phosphorus uptake efficiency (PUpE_g), phosphorus utilization efficiency (PUtE_g), and phosphorus use efficiency (PUsE_g) in maize and soybean experiments with seeds inoculated with phosphate-solubilizing bacteria.

Source of variation1/ DF Maize – mean square Soybean—mean square
PUpE_g PUtE_g PUsE_g PUsE_g
rep/env 9 0.02 65,497.1 80,434.7 4206.8
Environment (Env.) 2 0.82** 10,236,391.6** 1,152,283.1** 31,648.3**
Treatments (T) 4 0.67** 81,158.5ns 305,295.4** 52,608.2**
Env. × T 8 0.08ns 186,044.6ns 15,301.0ns 1512.5ns
Error 36 0.04 129,875.7 54,256.5 1822.7
CV (%) 21.57 26.56 32.09 29.30
25 kg P2O5 0.66bc 996.4a 524.5ab 165.1b
42 kg P2O5 0.56cd 970.2a 458.7b 95.8c
84 kg P2O5 0.34d 1107.6a 332.1b 58.4d
25 kg P2O5 + Biomaphos 0.83ab 877.2a 681.1a 196.6ab
25 kg P2O5 + Ag75 0.95a 976.8a 718.4a 212.5a

ns, ** and * indicates non-significance, significance at levels 1 and 5% of probability by the F test, respectively.

Means followed by different letters on the same line differ significantly from each other as measured by the Tukey test at the significance level of 5%.