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. 2022 Aug 24;25(9):104996. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2022.104996

Anti-HA-Biotin, High Affinity (3F10) Roche Cat#12158167001; RRID:AB_390915
Horseradish peroxidase conjugated Goat anti Rat IgG antibody Bio-Rad Cat#5201–2504
Anri-Lysophospholipase 1 antibody [EPR3667] Abcam Cat#ab91606; RRID:AB_10565192
Anti-APEH antibody Atlas antibodies Cat#HPA029700; RRID:AB_10599278
Anti-Biotin antibody produced in goat Sigma Cat#B3640; RRID:AB_258552

Bacterial and virus strains

XL10-Gold Ultracompetent cells Aligent Cat#200315

Biological samples

Anonymized human blood United Kingdom National Health System Blood and Transplant Special Health Authority N/A

Chemicals, peptides, and recombinant proteins

TMT Mass Tagging reagents Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#90308/90309
ActivX™ TAMRA-FP Serine Hydrolase Probe Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#88318
ActivX™ Azido-FP Serine Hydrolase Probe Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#88316
Compound 2 (C2) Kind gift of Dr Simon Osbourne, LifeArc, SBC Open Innovation Campus, Stevenage n/a
Biotin-alkyne Jena Bioscience Cat#CLK-1134
Tris(2-carboxyethyl)phosphine hydrochloride (TCEP) Aldrich Cat#C4706
tris[(1-benzyl-1H-1,2,3-triazol-4-yl)methyl]amine (TBTA) Sigma Cat#678937
Trypsin Gold Promega Cat#V5280
SalI restriction endonuclease New England Bioscience Cat#R0138
BglII restriction endonuclease New England Bioscience Cat#R0144
Phusion® High-Fidelity DNA Polymerase New England Bioscience Cat#M0530
Geneticin selective Antibiotic G418 Sulphate Gibco Cat#11811023
ML348 Sigma Cat#SML1901
ML349 Sigma Cat#SML1918
AA74-1 Sigma Cat#CAY17507
P11 Cayman Chemical Cat#CAY17507
Pyridostigmine bromide (PyBr) Sigma Cat#P9797
Tri-o-cresyl phosphate (TOCP) Supelco Cat#51885
JW480 Sigma Cat#SML17507
TBV-3166 Sigma Cat#SML1694
132A RNA dye Kind gift of Prof YT Chang, National University of Singapore n/a
Pierce NeutrAvidin Agarose Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#29200
Pierce Control Agarose resin Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#26150
RMPI-1640 based media supplemented with 0.292 g/L L-glutamine, 25 μg/ml gentamycin and 5% (w/v) Albumax II Gibco Cat#04191762A
Percoll GE Healthcare Life Science Cat#17-0891-01
Pierce BCA Protein Assay Kit Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#23225
Empore Octadecyl C18 47mm Extraction Disks 2215 Supleco Cat#66883-U
pH reversed-phase peptide fractionation kit Pierce Cat#84868
WR99210 Jacobus Pharmaceuticals n/a
Infusion HD Cloning Kit ClonTech Cat#102518
DNeasy Blood and Tissue Kit Qiagen Cat#69504
QIAquick PCR purification kit Qiagen Cat#28104
SYBR Safe Thermo Fisher Scientific Cat#S33102
QIAprep Midi Kit Qiagen Cat#12943
P3 Primary cell 4-D Nucleofector X kit Lonza Cat#V4XP-3034

Deposited data

Life cycle proteomics data ProteomeXchange Consortium via PRIDE. Project accession PRIDE: PXD035891

Experimental models: Cell lines

P. falciparum 3D7 Professor Mike Blackman, The Francis Crick Instiutue n/a
P. falciparum B11 Professor Mike Blackman, The Francis Crick Instiutue (Perrin et al., 2018) n/a
P. falciparum Psta1-cMUT This paper n/a
P. falciparum Psta2-cMUT This paper n/a
P. falciparum abH112-cMUT This paper n/a
P. falciparum abH114-cMUT This paper n/a


Primers for Pf cMUT generation See Table S2 for list of primers and sequences

Recombinant DNA

pT2A-Psta1-cMUT This paper (adapted from pT2A_FIKK10_cKO gift of Dr M. Treeck, The Francis Crick Institute) n/a
pT2A-Psta2-cMUT This paper (adapted from pT2A_FIKK10_cKO gift of Dr M. Treeck, The Francis Crick Institute) n/a
pT2A-ab112-cMUT This paper (adapted from pT2A_FIKK10_cKO gift of Dr M. Treeck, The Francis Crick Institute) n/a
pT2A-ab114-cMUT This paper (adapted from pT2A_FIKK10_cKO gift of Dr M. Treeck, The Francis Crick Institute) n/a
Psta1 synthetic DNA for the generation of pT2A-Psta1-cMUT GENEWIZ n/a
Psta2 synthetic DNA for the generation of pT2A-Psta2-cMUT GENEWIZ n/a
abH112 synthetic DNA for the generation of pT2A-abH112-cMUT GENEWIZ n/a
abH114 synthetic DNA for the generation of pT2A-abH112-cMUT GENEWIZ n/a

Software and algorithms

MaxQuant v1.6.0.1 Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry
Perseus v1.5.6.0 Max-Planck-Institute of Biochemistry
FACSDiva software v8.0.1 BD biosciences
FlowJo 2006-2015 FlowJo LLC
Prism v7 GraphPad