Figure 2.
Schematic of the MS brain health quality improvement tool, showing: (a) the content of the seven worksheets within the Excel-based workbook; (b) the stages of the MS care pathway assessed by the tool (full details in Hobart et al.)4 and examples of data entry fields for each of the three patient populations; (c) sample visual results summary for clinic-level data, showing how a clinic performed compared with each of the MS Brain Health standards; and (d) sample visual results summary of patient-level data from 10 patients with PMS in one clinic. Lines show core, achievable and aspirational MS Brain Health standards and circles show individual patient results.
Ach: achievable; Asp: aspirational; DMT: disease-modifying therapy; dx: diagnosed; HCP: healthcare professional; MRI: magnetic resonance imaging; MSBH: MS Brain Health; PMS: progressive MS; QI: quality improvement; RMS: relapsing MS.