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. 2022 Aug 30;18(8):e1010141. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1010141

Table 1. Model selection for the telomere/centromere effect (n = 37 species with a centromere position, 425 chromosomes).

Three competing models were compared based on the adjusted R2, p-value and AIC-BIC criteria among chromosomes (the best supported model is in bold characters). The number of species supporting each model was calculated based on the adjusted R2 within species, for all species with at least five chromosomes. (1) ‘telomere’ model. (2) ‘telomere + centromere + one CO per arm’ model. (3) ‘telomere + centromere + one CO per chromosome’ model. d(c) is the genetic distance to the centromere. d(1) is the total genetic distance. A second model selection was done on a subset of chromosomes with at least 50 cM on each chromosome arm (n = 36 species, 333 chromosomes).

# Model Expected Adjusted R2 p AIC BIC Species
Full dataset (37 species, 425 chromosomes)
1 Telomere d(1/2) / d(1) = 0.5 0.22 < 0.001 -477.8 -465.7 0
2 Tel. + Cent. + CO per arm (d(c)– 50) / (d(1)– 100) = c - 0.72 3098.2 3110.4 7
3 Tel. + Cent. + CO per chr. d(c) / d(1) = c 0.51 < 0.001 -476.6 -464.5 30
Subset (36 species, 333 chromosomes)
1 Telomere d(1/2) / d(1) = 0.5 0.18 < 0.001 -407.5 -396.1 0
2 Tel. + Cent. + CO per arm (d(c)– 50) / (d(1)– 100) = c -0.001 0.42 1939.1 1950.5 10
3 Tel. + Cent. + CO per chr. d(c) / d(1) = c 0.50 < 0.001 -396 -384.6 26