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. 2022 Aug 29;13:973257. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2022.973257


Prevalence of phenotypic resistance, and correlation between phenotypic antibiotic resistance and presence of genetic resistance markers (genes and mutations) in 113 invasive Hi isolates from 2017, 2020 and 2021, Norway, where both WGS data and AST data were available.

Group Drug (n isolates) Prevalence% (n) Resistance marker Resistance marker% (n) Sensitivity% Specificity% PPVa% NPVb%
Beta-lactamsc Ampicillin (all, n = 113) 18.6 (21) blaTEM–1 and/or rPBP3c 23.0 (26) 100 94.6 80.8 100
Ampicillin (rPBP3 neg., n = 101) 13.9 (14) bla TEM–1 13.9 (14) 100 100 100 100
Ampicillin (blaTEM–1 neg., n = 98) 6.1 (6) rPBP3c 11.2 (11) 100 94.6 54.5 100
Cefuroximed, (n = 113) 9.7 (11) rPBP3c 10.6 (12) 90.9 98.0 83.3 99.0
Tetracyclines Tetracycline (n = 113) 2.7 (3) tet(B) 2.7 (3) 100 100 100 100
Phenicols Chloramphenicol (n = 113) 2.7 (3) catA2 2.7 (3) 100 100 100 100

aPositive predictive value.

bNegative predictive value.

cDefined by the presence of N526K or R517H.

dSusceptible (S) and Susceptible, increased exposure (I) were lumped as “susceptible” in the calculations.