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. 2022 Aug 30;34(4):406–414. doi: 10.21147/j.issn.1000-9604.2022.04.08

Table S1. Candidate variables for propensity score model.

Candidate variables Categories No. of parameters
Pre-treatment variables that may be associated with treatment preference and/or primary outcomes
Range of gastrectomy Total gastrectomy, proximal gastrectomy 1
No. of comorbidities Including a quadratic term for non-linearity 2
Lung function Abnormal, normal 1
Tumor size via preoperative assessment, long diameter Including a quadratic term for non-linearity 2
Tumor size via preoperative assessment, short diameter Including a quadratic term for non-linearity 2
Age (year) <45, 45−55, 56−65, 66−75, >75 4
cT stage 2, 3, 4a 2
cN stage 0, 1, 2, 3 3
Body mass index Underweight, normal, overweight, obese 3
Preoperative hemoglobin Including a quadratic term for non-linearity 2
No. of lung comorbidities Including a quadratic term for non-linearity 2
History of smoking and smoking cessation Non-quitted, quitted, non-smokers 2
Length of esophageal invasion Including a quadratic term for non-linearity 2
Timing of surgery Morning, afternoon, evening 2
History of cardiac diseases Yes, no 1
Siewert type I, II 1
CEA Including a quadratic term for non-linearity 2
CA199 Including a quadratic term for non-linearity 2
CA125 Including a quadratic term for non-linearity 2
Geographical location East and central west, Southwest and northwest, North and northeast 2
Hospital type Cancer specialized, general 1
Additional pre-treatment variables that may be associated with primary outcomes alone
Differentiation Well, moderate, poor 2
Lauren type Diffused, mixed, intestinal 2
Gender Male, female 1