Fig. 3. Longitudinal tracking of dendritic spines in dCA1 PNs during stress exposure.
a Schematic description of 2 P optical imaging of PNs in the dCA1 in a head-fixed anesthetized mouse. b, c Confocal images of the dorsal hippocampus b and dCA1 c of an experimental Thy1-GFP mouse. Blue, DAPI and green, GFP b. White GFP c. S.O. Stratum Oriens, S.P. Stratum Pyramidale, S.R. Stratum Radiatum, S.L.M. Stratum Lacunosum-Molecolare. Scale bars, 200 µm b and 20 µm c. d 2 P time-lapse image sequence showing a basal dendritic segment of a dCA1 PN of a live experimental Thy1-GFP mouse (maximum intensity projection of 3 to 5 Z focal planes each) and dendritic spines (white full triangles, spines present; empty white tringles, spines absent) showing dynamic behavior. Scale bar, 1 µm. e Experimental timelines for mice stressed repeatedly (left) or acutely (right). Cort. indicates measurements of plasma Corticosterone levels. f, g Repeated f and acute g stress exposure did not affect spine densities. e p8, 9,11, 14 > 0.22, nB = 248, n8, 9, 11, 14 = 114; f p8,9,11,14. > 0.82; nB = 352, n8, 9, 11, 14 = 88. Kruskal–Wallis tests against pooled baseline distribution, p-values adjusted after Dunn’s multiple comparisons. Box plots: medians and quartiles of spine densities distributions per dendrite. Black solid and dashed horizontal lines: mean density of spines during baseline.