β‐Carotene content of fermented African nightshade (ANS) pickle and relish products. Pickle (S. scabrum spontaneous fermented pickle (SsSFP), S. villosum spontaneous fermented pickle (SvSFP), S. scabrum controlled fermented pickle (SsCFP), and S. villosum controlled fermented pickle (SvCFP)) and relish (S. scabrum spontaneous fermented relish (SsSFR), S. villosum spontaneous fermented pickle (SvSFP), S. scabrum controlled fermented relish (SsCFR), and S. villosum controlled fermented relish (SvCFR)). Whereas; Ss, S. scabrum; Sv, S. villosum; CF, controlled fermentation; SF, spontaneous fermentation. Means ± SD (n = 3) with different superscript letters represent significant difference at p < .05