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. 2022 Apr 27;10(9):3085–3097. doi: 10.1002/fsn3.2907


Physical characteristics of control bread and samples with wheat replaced by plantain and soy flours

Quality Units CON PLF10 PLF20 SF10 SF20
Crust color
Lightness (L*) 63.9a (0.4) 64.5a (0.3) 65.2a (0.3) 55.4b (0.2) 53.4b (0.3)
Redness (a*) 0.8c (0.1) 1.1c (0.0) 0.9c (0.1) 2.6b (0.3) 4.3a (0.1)
Yellowness (b*) 13.4b (0.2) 15.7a (0.2) 16.0a (0.3) 10.8c (0.2) 8.2d (0.2)
White index (WI) 65.3a (0.5) 66.4a (0.3) 67.1a (0.3) 56.5b (0.2) 54.2b (0.2)
Specific volume cm3/g 2.12a (0.04) 1.04b (0.03) 0.95c (0.02) 1.01b (0.03) 0.90c (0.02)
Texture characteristics
Crust hardness N 6.1d (0.5) 7.9c (0.4) 10.2b (0.2) 9.6b (0.7) 13.5a (0.2)
Cohesiveness 5.3a (0.2) 4.4b (0.1) 4.2b (0.1) 3.1c (0.1) 2.9c (0.0)
Chewiness N 6.5d (0.2) 9.6c (0.1) 10.2bc (0.1) 11.1b (0.3) 13.2a (0.2)

All values show the mean (standard deviation). a–dValues within a row with different letters are significantly different (p < .05).

Abbreviations: CON, whole wheat flour; PLF10, 10 g of plantain flour/100 g; PLF20, 20 g of plantain flour/100 g; SF10, 10 g of soy flour/100 g; SF20, 20 g of soy flour/100 g.