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. 2022 Sep 13;17(9):e0274403. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0274403

Table 5. Synthesis of evidence, risk of bias judgements and quality of evidence scores for the impact of tonic pain on individual activity dependent plasticity outcome.

Outcome measure Studies Motor learning paradigm Tonic pain paradigm D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 Overall risk of bias Impact of pain Quality of evidence
Acquisition Phase
N18 SEP Peak Dancey (2016) [33] Visuomotor Task Cutaneous SC L L SC SC Some concerns - Low
Dancey (2014) [30] Sequential finger tapping task L SC L SC SC Some concerns
Dancey (2016) [32] L SC L SC SC Some concerns NC
N24 SEP Peak Dancey (2016) [33] Visuomotor Task Cutaneous SC L L SC SC Some concerns + Low
Dancey (2014) [30] Sequential finger tapping task L SC L SC SC Some concerns NC
Dancey (2016) [32] L SC L SC SC Some concerns NC
N30 SEP Peak Dancey (2016) [33] Visuomotor Task Cutaneous SC L L SC SC Some concerns NC Low
Dancey (2014) [30] Sequential finger tapping task L SC L SC SC Some concerns +
Dancey (2016) [32] L SC L SC SC Some concerns NC
N20 SEP Peak Dancey (2016) [33] Visuomotor Task Cutaneous SC L L SC SC Some concerns - Low
Dancey (2014) [30] Sequential finger tapping task L SC L SC SC Some concerns NC
Dancey (2016) [32] L SC L SC SC Some concerns -
P25 SEP Peak Dancey (2016) [33] Visuomotor Task Cutaneous SC L L SC SC Some concerns NC Low
Dancey (2014) [30] Sequential finger tapping task L SC L SC SC Some concerns NC
Dancey (2016) [32] L SC L SC SC Some concerns NC
TMS induced finger acceleration Ingham (2011) [13] Repeated ballistic movements Muscle L L L L SC Some concerns NC Low
Single pulse MEPs Boudreau (2007) [10] Visuomotor Task Cutaneous L SC L L SC Some concerns + Low
Mavromatis (2017) [34] L L L L SC Some concerns - midsession
Ingham (2011) [13] Repeated ballistic movements Muscle L L L L SC Some concerns NC
SICI Mavromatis (2017) [34] Visuomotor Task Cutaneous L L L L SC Some concerns NC Very low
TMS-MEP response curves Boudreau (2007) [10] Visuomotor Task Cutaneous L SC L L SC Some concerns - Very low
Slope of TMS-MEP response curves Dancey (2019) [16] Visuomotor Task Cutaneous L L L SC SC Some concerns - Very low

Abbreviations: TMS, Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation; SEPs, Somatosensory Evoked Potentials; MEP, Motor evoked potential; SICI, Short Intracortical Inhibition; SICF, Short Intracortical Facilitation; NC, No change in task performance; -, Pain caused a reduction in task performance; +, Pain caused an increase in task performance; Risk of bias: L = Low, SC = Some concerns, H = High.