A) Distribution of total and distinct LCRs for all LCR-containing proteins in the human proteome from
Figure 2A, without binning proteins with 10+total LCRs and/or 10+distinct LCRs. The number in each square is the number of proteins in the human proteome with that number of total and distinct LCRs and is represented by the colorbar. (
B) Disorder tendency (predicted by IUPred2A) of WT or ΔK1,2,3 RPA43. Coordinates of the three K-rich LCRs of RPA43 are indicated in blue. (
C) Immunofluorescence of RPA43 constructs in HeLa cells. HeLa cells were seeded on fibronectin-coated coverslips and transfected with the indicated GFP-RPA43 constructs, and collected ~48 hr following transfection. DAPI, GFP, and MPP10 channels are shown. Scale bar is 5 μm. The number of K-rich LCRs present and fibrillar center (FC) localization scoring is shown to the right of each construct (‘+++’ to ‘+’=strong FC localization to uniform nuclear localization, ‘-’=nucleolar exclusion).