Fig. 2.
Graphical presentation of KRASmut, PIK3CAmut, BRAFmut, and MMR status in CRC cases from the NLCS. a Pie chart showing the distribution of the all-wild-type + pMMR and any-mutation/dMMR subgroups (based on all CRC cases; n = 1934). b Bar chart showing frequencies of KRASmut, PIK3CAmut, BRAFmut, and dMMR (based on all CRC cases; n = 1934). c Venn diagram showing combinations of KRASmut, PIK3CAmut, BRAFmut, and dMMR (based on any-mutation/dMMR subgroup; n = 1142). The color intensity indicates the frequency: a darker color indicates more cases; a lighter color indicates fewer cases. d/pMMR mismatch repair deficiency/proficiency; mut mutation; CRC colorectal cancer; NLCS Netherlands Cohort Study