Fig. 1.
Normal waveforms and parameters of A dark‐adapted 3.0 ERG and C light‐adapted 3.0 ERG of full‐field electroretinogram (ffERG). Average ffERG responses from B dark‐adapted 3.0 ERG and D light‐adapted 3.0 ERG from 100 eyes with axial length (AL) ranging from 21.79 to 30.55 mm and spherical equivalent refractive error (SER) ranging from + 0.50 to − 18.00 D. All participants were divided into seven different groups based on their mean AL: Group 1 (22.40 mm), Group 2 (23.10 mm), Group 3 (24.26 mm), Group 4 (25.51 mm), Group 5 (26.34 mm), Group 6 (27.5 mm), and Group 7 (29.55 mm). The two values listed for each group under latencies and values, respectively, indicate the change (Δ) in latencies (Δ ms) and amplitudes (Δ µV) of a ffERG a-wave (negative values) and b-wave (positive values). Adapted with permission from Sachidanandam et al. (2017) [109]