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. 2022 Aug 18;21(9):e13692. doi: 10.1111/acel.13692



B cells from aged donor mice have enhanced extrafollicular response and reduced GC formation early post‐vaccination. (a) Representative flow cytometric plots of CD138+ IRF4+ plasma cells gated on donor cells from 10‐ or 93‐week old donor mice in recipient spleens 6 days post‐transfer and immunisation. Numbers adjacent to gates indicate percentage of donor HEL+ B220+ cells. Percentage and number of donor‐derived CD138+ IRF4+ plasma cells are plotted on the graphs on the right. (b) Representative flow cytometric plots showing gating strategies for donor‐derived GC B cells (CD38 GL7+), activated B cells (CD38+ GL7+) and memory B cells (CD38+ GL7 IgD) from 10 weeks or 93 week old donor mice. Numbers adjacent to gates indicate percentage of donor HEL+ B220+ cells. (c) Percentage and number of HEL+ donor‐derived GC B cells in recipient spleen on day 6 post‐transfer and immunisation. (d) Graph showing the ratio of GC B cells: Plasma cells numbers derived from donor cells from 10 weeks or 93 weeks old donor mice. (e, f) Percentage and number of (e) CD38+ GL7+ B cells and (f) CD38+ GL7 IgD memory B cells on day 6 post‐transfer and immunisation. Bar graphs show the results of one of two independent experiments (n = 5–7 per group/experiment). Bar height corresponds to the mean, error bars indicate standard deviation, and each symbol represents one biological replicate. Statistics were calculated using the unpaired Mann–Whitney U test.