Timeline for public health policy response over cases and number of cases per country (Switzerland, Spain, Iran and Pakistan, January–July 2020). (A) The duration of the measures, organized by the six building blocks of health systems (Switzerland, Spain, Iran and Pakistan, January-July 2020). The first gray dashed lines represent the day that the World Health Organization declared the pathogen a subject of international concern and the second line represents the first day of a COVID-19 case was detected in each country: 23 February in Switzerland, 31 January in Spain, 18 February in Iran, and 24 February in Pakistan. In Spain, the day that the WHO declared the pathogen of international concern was 1 day before the first case was found in Spain, and therefore the difference between the first two lines is indistinguishable in the graph. The third gray line shows the day when the WHO declared the pandemic: 11 March 2020. (B) The duration of preventive policies (Switzerland, Spain, Iran and Pakistan, January-July 2020). (C) The number of cases and effective reproductive number (Switzerland, Spain, Iran and Pakistan, January-July 2020). The number of cases (in gray bars) and the estimated effective reproductive number (R, in green) with 95% confidence intervals as estimated by [18], and assuming a serial interval of 7 days. The dashed horizontal line in black shows Re = 1, the threshold above which the pandemic is growing.