1 |
exp coronavirus infections/ or COVID-19/ |
2 |
epidemics/ or disease outbreaks/ or pandemics/ |
3 |
(cornoavirus* or 2019-ncov or ncov19 or ncov-19 or 2019-novel Cov or ncov or covid or covid19 or COVID-19 or covid 2019 or "coronavirus 2" or sars-cov2 or sars-cov-2 or sarscov2 or sarscov-2 or Sars-coronavirus2 or sars-coronavirus-2 or SARS-like coronavirus* or coronavirus-19 or corna virus* or novel coronavirus*).mp. |
4 |
((novel or new or nouveau) adj2 (CoV or nCoV or covid or coronavirus* or corona virus or Pandemic*2)).mp. |
5 |
Quarantine/ or Social Isolation/ or physical distancing/ |
6 |
(lockdown* or lock down* or quarantin*).tw,kf. |
7 |
((social or physical) adj2 (isolat* or distanc*)).tw,kf. |
8 |
or/1-7 |
9 |
intimate partner violence/ or spouse abuse/ or domestic violence/ or Gender-Based Violence/ |
10 |
child abuse/ or child abuse, sexual/ |
11 |
Physical Abuse/ or Emotional Abuse/ or Punishment/ |
12 |
sex offenses/ or rape/ |
13 |
(child* adj2 (abus* or maltreat* or neglect)).tw,kf. |
14 |
((intimate or partner or spouse or spousal or family or familial or domestic or interpersonal or gender or inter parental or interparental) adj2 violence).tw,kf. |
15 |
((sex* or physical or psychological or verbal or emotional) adj2 (abus* or violence)).tw,kf. |
16 |
((physical or emotional or psychological) adj2 neglect).tw,kf. |
17 |
((corporal or physical) adj2 punishment).tw,kf. |
18 |
((verbal or physical or psychological) adj2 aggression).tw,kf. |
19 |
or/9-18 |
20 |
8 and 19 |
21 |
20 and 20191201:20301231.(dt). |
22 |
limit 19 to COVID-19 |
23 |
21 or 22 |