(A) Overview of procedure to label hair cells and monitor development and turnover overtime. (B, E) At both 3 and 5 dpf, caV1.3a-/- and otofb-/- mutants have the same number of hair cells per neuromast. A hair cell is defined as any hair cell with DAPI labeling. (C, F) Using the average height of the kinocilium (tallest part of the hair bundle) to assess the maturity of hair cells reveals no difference in caV1.3a-/- and otofb-/- mutants compared to controls. In mature neuromasts at 5 dpf, quantification reveals that the average height of the kinocilium in all hair cells, young hair cells and mature hair cells is not significantly different in caV1.3a-/- and otofb-/- mutants compared to controls. (D, G) After labeling mature hair cells with DAPI at 3 dpf, a high percentage of these DAPI + cells remain at 5 dpf in all genotypes. This indicates no significant loss of hair cells in caV1.3a-/- and otofb-/- mutants compared to controls. 8 neuromasts were examined per genotype in B-C and E-F. In D and G at least 11 neuromast were examined per genotype. Each dot in B, D, E, and G represents one neuromast. In C and F, each dot represents a single hair cell. Error bars: SEM. In D and G, a Mann-Whitney test was used, and in B-C and E-F a two-way ANOVA with a Sidak’s correction for multiple comparisons was used to compare differences.
Figure 5—figure supplement 1—source data 1. Mean numbers and statistics for cell stage and turnover.