Table 2.
Author, year | Sample | Interventions (F.I.T.T) | BP at baseline | Outcomes |
Coghill and Cooper, 2008 [19] | EXP: 38♂; 54.8 ± 5 yrs CTL: 29♂; 55.6 ± 4.7 yrs |
F: At least 5 days/wk for 12 wks; I: RPE of 12–14; T: at least 30 min T: Walk Briskly |
SBP 138 ± 16; DBP 90 ± 10 mmHg | ↓SBP; ↔ Resting DBP; ↓BMI; ↓BF; ↓Waist-hip-ratio |
Hua, 2009 [20] |
EXP: 10♂ 10♀; ♂55.8 + 9.5 yrs; ♀56.3 + 9.6 yrs CTL: 10♂ 10♀; ♂55.9 + 10.2 yrs; ♀58.5 + 11.3 yrs |
F: 4 days/wk for 12 wks; I: 35–40% HR reserve and RPE 11–13; T: 4.8 km/day by the end of 12 weeks T: walking |
Men SBP 140 ± 11; DBP 92 ± 7 mmHg Women SBP 141 ± 16; DBP 87 ± 9 mmHg |
↓SBP and DBP; ↔ HR |
Suter et al., 1990 [21] |
EXP: 39 ♂; 38.8 ± 8.9 yrs CTL: 22 ♂; 35.2 ± 7.3 yrs |
F: 2–6 sessions (self-managed) for 4 months I: 75–86% of HRmax T: at least 120 min per wk T: jogging or walking/jogging |
SBP 134 ± 15; DBP 89 ± 11 mmHg | ↔ SBP and DBP; ↓Waist-hip-ratio; ↓BMI; ↑endurance capacity |
Staffileno et al. 2007 [22] |
EXP: 13 ♀; 38.6 ± 5 yrs CTL: 10 ♀; 40.2 ± 6.1 yrs |
F: 2–3 sessions/day for 8 wks I: 50–60% HRR T: 10 min/session; 150 min/wk T: lifestyle physical activity (e.g., walking, stair climbing) |
SBP 136 ± 7; DBP 91 ± 5 mmHg | ↓SBP ↔ resting DBP |
Farinatti et al., 2005 [23] |
EXP: 26♂ 52♀; 52 ± 12 yrs CTL: 9♂ 7♀; 48 ± 9 yrs |
F: 3 days/wk for 16 wks I: 60–80% maximum HR for the age T: 30 min T: Aerobic activity and flexibility exercises |
Not reported | ↓SBP and DBP; ↓Weight; ↓WHR; ↓ SM; ↓ %BF; ↑TF |
Farinatti et al., 2016 [24] |
EXP: 7♂ 22♀; 53 ± 11 yrs CTL: 5♂ 9♀; 48 ± 5 yrs |
F: 3 days/week for 16 months I: 60–85% HRmax (220 – age) T:30 min T: walking and stretching exercises |
SBP 141 ± 20; DBP 85 ± 8 mmHg |
↓SBP, DBP and MBP ↓COL; ↑HDL; ↓TRI; ↓BMI; ↓waist circumference; %BF, ↑TF |
Blackwell et al., 2017 [25] |
EXP H-HIIT: 6♂♀; 52.2 ± 2 yrs EXP H-IHGT: 6♂♀; 51.5 ± 2.3 yrs |
H-HIIT: F: 3 days/wk for 4 wks; I: max of repetitions with HR over 85% (HRmax [220 – age]) T: 2 min warm-up + 5 × 1 min of equipment-free T: HIIT (star-jumps, squat thrusts, and static sprints) H-IHGT: F: 3 days/wk for 4 wks I: 30% MVC and HR over 85% (HRmax [220 – age]) T: 4 × 2 min T: isometric handgrip exercise |
H-HIIT: SBP 130 ± 5; DBP 81 ± 5 mmHg H-IHGT: SBP 138 ± 4; DBP 93 ± 3 mmHg |
H-HIIT: ↔ SBP; ↔ DBP; ↑AT; ↑VO2max H-IHGT: ↓SBP; ↔ DBP; ↔ AT; ↔ VO2max |
Punia and Kulandaivelan, 2020 [26] |
EXP: 10♂ 10♀; 30–45 yrs; CTL: 10♂ 10♀; 30–45 yrs |
F: 3 days/wk for 8 wks I: 30% MVC T: 4 × 2 min T: isometric handgrip exercise |
SBP 144 ± 8; DBP 93 ± 5 mmHg | ↓SBP; ↓DBP; ↓MBP; ↓HR; ↔ PP |
Gordon et al., 2018 [27] |
EXP: 2♂ 7♀; 47 ± 12 yrs CTL: 2♂ 3♀; 47 ± 9 yrs |
F: 3 days/wk for 12 wks I: 30% MVC T: 4 × 2 min T: isometric handgrip training |
SBP 137.7 ± 4.1; DBP 88.4 ± 0.8 mmHg | ↔ SBP and DBP |
Taylor et al., 2018 [28] |
EXP: 24♂; 30–65 yrs; CTL: 24♂; 30–65 yrs |
F: 3 days/wk for 4 wks I: compatible HR from isometric exercise test T: 4 × 2 min T: isometric wall squat exercise |
SBP 137 ± 11; DBP 78 ± 7 mmHg | ↓SBP; ↓DBP; ↓PP; ↔ HR; ↑SV and CO at rest; ↓TPR at rest; ↓LF/HF and ↓LFn at rest; ↑HFn, ↑PSD and ↑BRS at rest |
EXP Experimental group, CTL Control group, H-IHGT Home-Isometric Hand-Grip Training, BMI Body mass index, BF Body fat, COL Total cholesterol, HDL HDL cholesterol, TRI Triglycerides, MVC Maximal Voluntary Contraction, wk Week, wks Weeks, Min Minutes, yrs Years, max Maximum, HRR Heart Rate Reserve, F.I.T.T. Frequency, intensity, time, and type of exercise, TPR Total peripheral resistance, BP Blood pressure, SBP Systolic Blood pressure, DBP Diastolic Blood Pressure, MBP Mean Blood pressure, HR Heart Rate, PP Pulse Pressure, PSD R–R power spectral density, HFn High frequency R-R in normalized units (%), LFn Low frequency R-R in normalized units (%), LF/HF Symphato-vagal balance, BRS Spontaneous baroreflex sensitivity, RPE Rate of perceived exertion, HIIT High-Intensity Interval Training, H-HIIT Home-High-Intensity Interval Training, VO2max Maximum oxygen uptake, AT Anaerobic threshold, WHR Waist-hip measurements, %BF Body fat percentage, SM Sum of skinfols measurements, TF Trunk flexibility, HRmax Maximum heart rate, SV Stroke volume, CO Cardiac output, ↓ decreased, ↑ increased, ↔ unchanged