Fig. 3. Functional stability of DpPorA to protease reaction.
a DpPorA peptides treated with proteinase K run on SDS-PAGE showing monomer and preoligomer band. Data are representative of more than three repeats. Single stable pore insertion of gel extracted proteinase K treated DpPorA peptides at +100 mV and single DpPorA in stable conductance state at +50 mV. b Interaction of proteinase K reacted DpPorA with am8γCD (10 μM, trans) at +25 mV, +50 mV and +75 mV. c Proteinase K treated and untreated LpPorA peptides run on SDS-PAGE. Data are representative of more than three repeats. Proteinase K treated LpPorA producing current bursts at +100 mV and single pore insertion of proteinase K untreated LpPorA at +100 mV. All current signals were filtered at 2 kHz and sampled at 10 kHz. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.