(A) Schematic of experimental design for RNA-sequencing analysis to determine the impact of SPARC on peritoneal macrophages. (B) PCA analysis of RNA-sequencing results of controls and ex vivo SPARC treated peritoneal macrophages from thioglycollate (TG Cont and TG SPARC), or IL-4 complex injected (IL-4 Cont and IL-4 SPARC) mice (n=3 each). (C) Top 20 significantly up-and down-regulated genes in SPARC treated peritoneal macrophages from IL-4 complex injected (IL-4, left), and thioglycollate injected (TG, right) mice compared to each control (Cont). (D) Significantly up-and down-regulated pathways (p < 0.05) in SPARC treated peritoneal macrophages from IL-4 complex injected (IL-4, upper) and thioglycollate injected (TG, lower) mice by GSEA. R, K, P, N, B refer to pathways in Reactome, KEGG, PID, NABA, BioCarta database. (E) Significantly differentially expressed common transcription factors in SPARC treated macrophages from both IL-4 complex injected (IL-4, left) and thioglycollate injected (TG, right) mice. The red arrow indicates the top transcription factor IRF7. (F) IRF7 regulated, significantly changed genes in SPARC treated macrophages from IL-4 complex injected (IL-4, left) and thioglycollate injected (TG, right) mice. Please also see Figure S2.