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. 2022 Sep 14;13(9):787. doi: 10.1038/s41419-022-05214-9

Fig. 1. MCL-1 targeting influences transcriptional programs involved in actomyosin organization/contractility in viable bCAFs.

Fig. 1

A Three different primary cultures of CAFs were treated with ABT-199 (1 µM), A1331852 (100 nM), ABT-199 (1 µM) +A1331852 (100 nM) or ABT-737 (1 µM) with or without S63845 (500 nM) for 72 h in DMEM containing 1% FBS, apoptosis was measured by Annexin-V flow cytometry. Data are means ± SEM from three independent experiments. Two-way ANOVA, ****P < 0.0001, ns: not significant. B Caspase 3/7 activity was measured by caspase Glo assay and expressed in arbitrary unit. Data are means ± SEM from four independent experiments. Two-way ANOVA. *P < 0.05, ns: not significant C Volcano plot displaying differential expressed genes between S63845 treated and non-treated primary culture of CAFs from luminal B (n = 3) and triple negative (n = 3) breast cancers. The vertical axis (y-axis) corresponds to the mean expression value of log 10 (q-value), and the horizontal axis (x-axis) displays the log2 fold-change value. The red dots represent the upregulated expressed transcripts; the blue dots represent the transcripts whose expression is downregulated. D A hierarchically clustered heatmap showing the expression patterns of the 23 most extreme DE mRNA. Red and blue represent up- and downregulated expression in CAFs treated or not with S63845. Color density indicating levels of fold-change was displayed. E qRT-PCR of MYH10, MYH2, ACTA2 andITGA11 mRNA in CAFs Sg control or sg MCL-1 treated or not by S63845 500 nM for 18 h. Mean and SEM of three independent experiments are represented as fold-change of mRNA level related to untreated Sg control. Two-way ANOVA, *P < 0.1, **P < 0.01, ****P < 0.0001, ns: not significant. F CAFs sg control or silenced for MCL-1 (sg MCL-1) were treated or not with S63845 (500 nM), A1331852 (100 nM) or S63845 (500 nM) + A1331852 (100 nM) for 48 h in DMEM containing 1% FBS. Apoptosis was measured by Annexin-V flow cytometry. Data are means ± SEM from three independent experiments. P-value was determined by two-way ANOVA. ****P < 0.0001, ns: not significant.