Black Soldier Fly |
food waste (vegetable, fruit, factory waste and animal tissues) can be converted into high quality protein
contains a high amount of protein
good lipid source
a well-balanced amount of amino acids
good source of minerals and vitamins (iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, manganese, magnesium)
nutraceutical benefits
a valuable source of protein and amino acid
grow and multiplies rapidly
no arable land is required
effectively converts low-quality organic matter into high-quality proteins and fats
an unbalanced diet, too much of an insect meal can negatively affect growth
the nutritional value of the feed and the effect on the fish vary depending on the species of insect
[21, 25, 26, 27] |
Meal worm |
nutraceutical benefits
a valuable source of protein and amino acid
grow and multiplies rapidly
no arable land is required
effectively converts low-quality organic matter into high-quality proteins and fats
an unbalanced diet, too much of an insect meal can negatively affect growth
the nutritional value of the feed and the effect on the fish vary depending on the species of insect
[28, 29, 30] |
Soybean |
high protein content
improves fish growth
lectin and non-starch polysaccharides reduced feed intake
low phosphorus content
the presence of indigestible fibers
lack of essential amino acids that affect the quality of fish
low in methionine
poor palatability
no longer sustainable
mycotoxin risk
[15, 20, 25, 27] |
Fishmeal |
improves the growth of fish
pleasant taste
easily digests
balanced nutrition - composition and concentration of proteins, minerals, essential fatty acids and essential amino acids
low feed conversion factor, resulting in less feed waste
increased immunity, which improves survival
no longer sustainable
[20, 25] |