Performance evaluation of EVOD chip isolation and release using TZAB conjugated exosomes: (A) determination of optimal TZAB:Exosome testing 1:1, 1:5, and 1:10 volumetric ratios of a 10mM TZAB solution with 1010 exo ml−1 solution. (B) relative EV recovery performance comparison based on on-chip total protein quantity analysis without exosome release; (C) Post-release exosome concentration comparison TZEpCAM conjugated exosomes derived from MCF7, MDA, and MRC5 cell lines; (D) Post-release exosome concentration comparison TZEGFR conjugated exosomes derived from H3255 and MRC5 cell lines; (E) clinical application of the EVOD device in quantitative analysis of clinical exosomes using three different tetrazine conjugated antibodies (CD9, EGFR, and EpCAM).