Top Panels: Schematics of tet‐off (left) versus tet‐on (right) inductions used for comparison with (Piedrafita
et al,
2020). Bottom Panels: Tail skin sections from K5‐tta x and K14‐rta x pTRE‐H2BGFP mice stained with interscale (K10) marker (as indicated). “Mosaicism” denotes areas of the IFE devoid of H2BGFP due to deficiency in transgene expression. High vs. low exposure images demonstrate enrichment of LRCs in the interscale areas in both mouse models. Better contrast is obtained in the K5‐tTa (our preferred) mouse model compared to the K14‐rTa (Piedrafita
et al,
2020) and a minimum of 2‐week chase is required to note differences.