Figure 3. Single‐cell RNA‐seq of basal IFE LRCs/non‐LRCs sorted from mouse back and tail skin.
AFACS sorting of basal LRCs, mid‐LRCs and non‐LRCs.
BscRNA‐seq data of sorted cells from (A) analyzed for LRC/non‐LRC gene scores computed from microarray data (Sada et al, 2016).
- C, D
EBasal cluster definition markers.
FModel of basal IFE domain cell states.
GLRCs and non‐LRCs computed gene scores are differentially enriched in tail SC clusters. P‐values from pairwise Wilcoxon rank‐sum tests with Benjamini‐Hochberg correction.
H, IViolin and feature plots of markers in tail skin without proliferative (Proli) clusters. Note LRC/interscale markers Sox6&Igfbp3 enriched in SC‐2&3 and non‐LRC/scale markers K15/Sostdc1 enriched in SC‐1. Slc1a3 is in SC‐1 (scale); SC‐2 expression is likely due to Slc1a3 expression in interscale line.
JModel of LRC/non‐LRC gene scores and marker expression in scRNA‐seq clusters found in tail vs. back skin.