Figure 1.
Fabrication and characterization of antioxidant NPs. A) Representative TEM images of Cu NPs, AOzyme, and AOzyme@ACM. B) UV–vis absorption curves of Cu NPs, HMnO2, and HMnO2—Cu. C) STEM images of the as‐prepared HMnO2—Cu, showing the element distribution of Mn, O, and Cu. Scale bar, 50 nm. D) Apoptosis induction of differentiated PLB‐985 cells was analyzed by flow cytometry. E) SDS‐PAGE analysis of retention proteins from NCM, ACM, AOzyme@NCM, AOzyme@ACM, and AOzyme. F) Western blot analysis of the CD47 expression of NCM, AOzyme@NCM, ACM, and AOzyme@NCM, using Na, K‐ATPase as a reference protein. G) Fluorescent microscopy images of either a mixture of AOzyme and ACM (AOzyme +ACM) or of the AOzyme@ACM, the ACM and AOzyme were labeled with Dil (red) and FITC (green), respectively. Scale bar, 20 µm. H) Hydrodynamic diameters and Zeta potential distribution of HMnO2‐Cu, AOzyme, and AOzyme@ACM. I) Dispersion stability of AOzyme@ACM stored in water or PBS (pH 7.4) or RPMI 1640 medium. J) H2O2, •OH, and O2 •− scavenging capabilities of HMnO2, Cu NPs, HMnO2‐Cu, AOzyme, and AOzyme@ACM. Data are presented as mean ± SD (n = 3).