Employment status |
Is the patient currently working? |
No |
On leave |
Retired/pensioner |
Unemployed |
Yes |
Only if the previous question is answered “Yes”. |
Has the patient returned to work as normal? |
Yes |
Does the patient work in the same conditions as before COVID-19? |
No |
Works with adaptations |
Works with a reduction in working hours |
Has the patient noticed difficulties in performing daily tasks? |
No |
Yes |
Attention-focus |
Cognitive slowing |
Memory-retention capacity |
Tiredness-physical fatigue |
Education |
Is the patient currently studying? |
No |
Yes |
Only if the previous question is answered “Yes”. |
Has the patient noticed difficulties in following classes or studying? |
No |
Yes |
Attention-focus |
Cognitive slowing |
Memory-retention capacity |
Tiredness-physical fatigue |
Management of everyday affairs |
Has the patient noticed difficulties in managing everyday affairs? |
No |
Yes |
Frequent forgetfulness |
Executive functions (organisation, multiple tasks) |
Disorientation in space |
Use of external memory aids (diary) |