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. 2022 Sep 15;10(Suppl 1):e2100688. doi: 10.9745/GHSP-D-21-00688


HIS Resource Availability and Performance of Health Facilities Based on Selected HIS Indicators, Ethiopia, 2020

Score, % 95% CI
HIS resource
 HIS infrastructure at facility level (average score) 82 81, 83
 eHIS tools availability score 39 38, 40
 Number of staff with training on HIS topics at facility level 1 year prior to survey (average score) 7.8 7.4, 8.1
 Percentage of facilities with at least 1 trained staff in any HIS topics 72 70, 74
Data management
 Data quality control practices (average score) 72 71, 74
 Level of data analysis practice (average score) 68 67, 69
 Data visualization practice 86 84, 87
 Presence of feedback mechanism 92 90, 93
Data quality a
 Source document completeness: all three months complete 73 71, 75
 Data accuracy: acceptable range (90%–110%) 74 72, 76
 Data accuracy: overreporting (<90%) 20 19, 22
 Data accuracy: underreporting (>110%) 6 5, 7
Data use
 Use of routine data for RHIS quality improvement (average score) 45 43, 46
 Use of routine data for performance review and evidence-based decision making (average score) 50 48, 51
 Use of data for annual plan and target setting 84 83, 85
 Use of data to produce narrative analytical reports 31 29, 32

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; eHIS, electronic health information system; HIS, health information system; RHIS, routine health information system.

a Data quality measures (source document completeness and accuracy calculation) based on 3 months of skilled birth attendance data (April, May, June 2020).