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. 2022 Sep 15;18(9):e10514. doi: 10.15252/msb.202110514

Figure 4. TAX‐6/Calcineurin is required for exact adaptation and habituation.

Figure 4

  • A
    Response dynamics of wt, tax‐6(p675), and tax‐6(p675) + AWA::TAX‐6 worms to a two‐step protocol: First step consisting of 5 min (bottom panels, N=23,10,10 worms respectively) or 1 min (top panel, N=14 wt worms. Biological replicates) of on step, followed by a 2 min, or 6 min off step, respectively, before applying a second short step (right panels). Wt worms exposed to the 5‐min step showed stronger habituation compared to worms exposed to the 1‐min‐long step (P=9·104, Wilcoxon rank‐sum test between the amplitudes of the second steps). Steps are aligned to the maximal amplitude (at time 0).
  • B, C
    Median neural activity (B) and normalized neural activity (C) of wt, tax‐6(p675), and tax‐6(p675) + AWA::TAX‐6 worms in response to the first step. Fitting the pulse decay with an exponent of the shape a·ex/τ+c, tax‐6 mutants showed a longer decay time than wt worms, suggesting slower adaptation dynamics (τmedian of 13.5 and 5.6 s, respectively, Wilcoxon rank‐sum test, P=0.008). τmedian of the rescue line was 7.3 s, which was not significantly different from wt (Wilcoxon rank‐sum test, P=0.26). Color‐shaded area marks mean absolute deviation.
  • D
    Comparison of the amplitudes in the first and the second step for wt, tax‐6(p675), and tax‐6(p675) + AWA::TAX‐6 worms (following the longer 5‐min step). All three strains showed a weaker activity in the second step (signed‐rank test, P=2.6·104,0.014,0.01, respectively), with tax‐6(p675) worms having a significantly higher amplitude than wt in both the first and second steps (Wilcoxon rank‐sum test, P=1.8·104 and 1.1·104 respectively). Black bars mark the median. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.005.
  • E
    The difference between the response amplitudes of the first and the second steps as a function of the first‐step amplitude. While wt worms show a higher amplitude difference when the response to the first step is stronger (r=0.89,P=1.3·108), tax‐6(p675) mutants do not (r = 0.1, P = 0.78), suggesting that calcium influx affects habituation in wt worms but not in tax‐6(p675) mutants. The linear dependency in the rescued animals (tax‐6(p675) + AWA::TAX‐6) is higher than in tax‐6 mutants, though the correlation is not significant (r=0.56,P=0.09).

Source data are available online for this figure.