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. 2022 Sep 6;10(25):8906–8921. doi: 10.12998/wjcc.v10.i25.8906

Table 1.

Studies reporting on the measurement of the hepatic fat content with 1H-magnetic resonance spectroscopy versus liver biopsy and other imaging methods

Study design
Age (year)
Field strength sequence
Thomsen et al[22] 1994 48 14 Fatty liver 1.5 T. STEAM (TE = 34 ms) Liver biopsy r = 0.897; P < 0.001
Longo et al[26] 1995 45 29 Diffuse steatosis 1.5 T. PRESS (TE = 50–200 ms) Liver biopsy r = 0.70
Cowin et al[30] 2008 42 12 Steatosis 1.5 T. PRESS (TE = 30 ms) Liver biopsy 6 wk r = 0.928; P < 0.0001
Irwan et al[63] 2008 Prospective 47 10 Healthy volunteers 1.5 T. PRESS (TE = 30 ms) Dual-echo imaging One measurement session r = 0.927. In the range 1%–10%, the MRI-determined the liver fat contents (corrected algorithm) are systematically higher, on average 4% (range: 2.1%–6.1%) than those obtained with MRS
Kim et al[64] 2008 Prospective 15.9 ± 5.3 28 Lean and obese 1.5 TPRESS (TE = 20 ms) Two-Point Dixon r = 0.954; P < 0.001
Borra et al[65] 2009 Prospective 62.8 ± 8.3 33 Type 2 diabetes 1.5 T. PRESS (TE = 25 ms) IP/OP (Dixon) r = 0.959–0.962; P < 0.001
Reeder et al[66] 2009 Prospective 49.0 ± 12 31 Suspected steatosis and unrelated reasons 1.5 T. PRESS (TE = 25 ms) IDEAL r = 0.83 ± 0.05; P < 0.001. Intercept (1.76 ± 0.76%; P = 0.03)
Zhong et al[31] 2009 50 ± 12 36 Fatty liver 3.0 T. PRESS (TE = 144 ms) 16-row multislice CT r = –0.461; P = 0.005
Hu et al[67] 2010 16 3.0 T. PRESS (TE = 23 ms) IDEAL Slope = 0.90, intercept = 1.07%; r2 = 0.95, P < 0.001
Roldan-Valadez et al[68] 2010 35 18 Steatosis 3.0 T Liver biopsy r = 0.876; P ≤ 0.001
Mehta et al[32] 2010 39.9 50 Steatosis 1.5 T. PRESS (TE = 135 ms) Ultrasound BMI > 30, sensitivity 96%; BMI ≤ 30, sensitivity 64%
Meisamy et al[23] 2011 Prospective 40 55 1.5 T. STEAM (TE = 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 ms) IDEAL r 2 = 0.99
Georgoff et al[69] 2012 Prospective 50.6 52 Steatosis 3.0 T. PRESS (TE = 50 ms) Liver biopsy 15 ± 9 d Diagnostic accuracy was (AUC: 0.95; 95%CI: 0.89–1.0)
Kang et al[18] 2012 Prospective 54 56 Steatosis 1.5 T. STEAM (TE = 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 ms) Liver biopsy 1–28 d r = 0.95
Parente et al[70] 2014 Prospective 54 ± 9 73 Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease 3.0 T. PRESS (TE = 40 ms) Liver biopsy r = 0.767; P < 0.001
Bashir et al[71] 2015 Prospective 55 ± 13.8 217 Various hepatic diseases 1.5 T. STEAM (TE = 12 ms) Two-point Dixon r = 0.61; P < 0.001
Kim et al[57] 2015 52.8 ± 14 42 Various hepatic diseases 3.0 T. STEAM (TE = 12, 24, 36, 48, and 72 ms) In- and opposed-phase echo pairs r = 0.97
Satkunasingham et al[72] 2015 Retrospective 57.8 (12–83) 156 Various hepatic diseases 3.0 T. STEAM (TE = 12, 24, 36, 48, and 72 ms) MRI-PDFF r = 0.977; P < 0.001
Rastogi et al[73] 2016 Retrospective 32.5 73 Steatosis 3.0 T. STEAM (TE = 15, 20, 25, 30, and 35 ms) Biopsy and surgery ≤ 20 d MRS correlated well with the histopathology results (r = 0.882). An accuracy of 96% and sensitivity of 94%
Kramer et al[6] 2017 Prospective 57 ± 5 50 Various hepatic diseases 1.5 T. STEAM (TE = 10, 20, 30, 40, and 50 ms) PDFF r 2 = 0.992; slope, 0.974; intercept, –0.943

MRS: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy; PDFF: Proton density fat fraction; TE: Echo time; BMI: Body mass index; CT: Computed tomography; Blank: No information; PRESS: Point-resolved spectroscopy; STEAM: Stimulated-echo acquisition mode.