Extended Data Figure 2.
Quantitative and qualitative analysis of DeepLIIF on modality inference. (a) The Quantitative analysis of the synthetic data against the real data using MSE, SSIM, Inception Score, and FID. The low value of MSE (close to 0) and the high value of SSIM (close to 1) shows that the model generates high quality synthetic images similar to real images. (b) Visualization of first two components of PCA applied to synthetic and real images. We first, calculated a feature vector for each image using VGG16 model and then we applied PCA on the calculated feature vectors and visualized the first two components. As shown in the figure, the synthetic image data points have the same distribution as the real image data points, showing that the generated images by the model have the same characteristics as the real images. (c) The original/real and model-inferred modalities of two samples taken from Bladder and Lung tissues are shown side-by-side.