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. 2022 Sep 15;17(9):e0270882. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0270882

Table 1. Median time of the day when participants went indoors, went to bed, got up and left the house after getting up, and the median amount of time they spent indoors before going to bed, in bed, and indoors after getting up before leaving the house.

The letters (a,b,c) mark the pairs between which statistically significant differences were observed in pair-wise comparisons with Dunn Test. The * denotes that significant differences were found in all pair-wise comparisons with Dunn test (age groups) or Wilcoxon Mann Whitney (LLIN use).

  Time going indoors (HH:MM) Time indoors before going to bed (h) Time to bed (HH:MM) Time in bed (h) Time getting up (HH:MM) Time indoors after getting up (h) Time leaving house (HH:MM) Total time indoors (h) Total time indoors not in bed (h)
low high low high low high low high low high low high low high low high low high
 Age group                                    
18+ years 19:30a 20:02a 1.3 ab 0.9 ab 21:00b 20:56 b 8.7* 8.9 a 05:57ab 05:49 ab 0.4a 0.4 06:23a 06:16a 11a 10.2a 1.8* 1.4ab
12–17 years 19:59ab 20:01b 0.5 a 0.5 a 20:40a 20:47 a 9.3* 9.2 b 06:15a 06:04 a 0.2ab 0.3 06:38 06:24 10.5b 10.4 b 0.9* 1.1a
5–11 years 19:30b 19:34ab 0.8 b 0.6 b 20:17 ab 20:20 ab 9.9* 10 ab 06:20b 06:10 b 0.5b 0.3 06:46a 06:42a 11.5 ab 11 ab 1.4* 1b

Low: Low transmission season.

High: High transmissions season.