(A) A schematic illustration demonstrating the differential effect of cre-mediated recombination on double-floxed, inverted open reading frames (DIO, left) or single-floxed, excisable open reading frames (SEO, right). (B) Representative confocal images from the hippocampus of a GAD1-EGFP mouse (cyan), injected with AAV-mDLX-TVA-2A-N2cG (orange) and subsequently CVS-N2c-tdTomato (magenta) into the hippocampal CA1. Green arrows in the expanded images indicate starter neurons expressing all three markers, grey arrows indicate 2nd order interneurons, expressing EGFP and tdTomato, but not TVAFLAG-2A-N2cG, and white arrows indicate potential, yet non-participating interneurons expressing GAD1 and TVAFLAG-2A-N2cG, but not tdTomato.