A) Front view of a 3D rendering of a confocal stack showing the expression pattern of 5HT7-GAL4, which contains EB neuron types that express the serotonin 5HT7 receptor and receive input from ExR3 (
Liu et al., 2019). 5HT7-GAL4 labels neurons in the ER3d, ER3p, and ER4d populations. (
B) Morphological rendering of ER3d (a–d) EM morphologies overlaid on 5HT7-GAL4 expression pattern. Individual neurons. ER3d_a (1261086734), ER3d_b (1261427885), ER3d_c (1261419142), and ER3d_d (1261423534). (
C) Morphological rendering of ER3p (a–b) EM morphologies overlaid on 5HT7-GAL4 expression pattern. Individual neurons: ER3p_a (1229288307) and ER3p_b (1260327246). (
D) Morphological rendering of ER4d EM morphologies overlaid on 5HT7-GAL4 expression pattern. Individual neuron: ER4d (1198693217).