Figure 57. Central complex (CX) to CX connections in other regions.
(A) Pathway weights (see Appendix 1—figure 3) of pathways that end on another CX neuron for neurons innervating the neuropils not described in Figure 56. Lateral accessory lobe (LAL), wedge (WED), posterior slope (PS), crepine (CRE), and superior medial protocerebrum (SMP). The weights are normalized for each type of origin (see Materials and methods). The connections are separated by the supertypes that these recurrent pathways reach. (B) Type-to-type pathway connectivity matrix of those same neuron, excluding the fan-shaped body (FB) tangential neurons. Connections from the FB to ellipsoid body (EB) and noduli (NO) neurons are highlighted. (C) Pathways from PFL neurons to EB and NO neurons. (Ci) PFL3 neurons connect ipsilaterally to LCNOp and contralaterally, through midline crossing LAL interneurons, to ER6, ExR6, and ExR4 neurons. (Cii) PFL1 neurons, through a multilayered network, reach ER1_a neurons ipsilaterally and ER1_b neurons contralaterally. Note that LAL138 is the WL-L neuron described in the section about mechanosensory inputs. (Ciii) PFL2 neurons reach LNO3 in two steps.